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How Much to Clear a Blocked Drain?

Blocked drains are a nightmare. Whether it’s the toilet or kitchen, laundry or backyard, you can certainly expect major headaches because of clogged drains.

Sometimes it will be a quick fix, though. Clearing blocked drains could be as easy as removing hair from a shower grate. Or, it could be a challenge that requires a drain camera, hydro jet drain cleaner and pipe relining.

With so many potential outcomes it’s easy to see why the cost of clearing blockages and repairing pipes varies.

But if you are currently faced with a severe clog, you certainly want to know what to expect. Easy! Just keep reading to learn more about the professional solutions on offer to unblock drains and what you should expect to pay.

Fixing the Small Stuff: Minor Blockages

Dealing with a clogged drain can be a frustrating experience, but before you call a professional plumber, it’s worth trying to fix the problem yourself, especially for minor blockages.

With a few simple tools and techniques, you might be able to clear the blockage and restore the flow of water in no time. These methods are clearly the cheapest option to take, particularly when your clogged drain is only minor.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to fix minor blockages and get your drain working smoothly again.

  • Use a plunger: One of the easiest and most effective ways to clear a minor blockage is by using a plunger. Make sure there’s enough water in the sink or bathtub to cover the plunger’s rubber cup. Place the plunger over the drain and firmly push and pull to create suction. Repeat this motion several times to dislodge the blockage. If the blockage is in a double sink, make sure to block the other drain with a wet cloth or stopper to create better pressure.
  • Boiling water: Hot water can be a simple yet powerful tool to clear minor blockages caused by grease or soap buildup. Boil a kettle or pot of water and carefully pour it down the drain in two to three stages, allowing a few seconds between each pour. The heat can help break down the blockage and flush it away. Be cautious with this method on PVC pipes or older plumbing systems, as excessive heat can cause damage.
  • Baking soda and vinegar method: A natural and chemical-free solution involves using baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar. Start by pouring about half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by an equal amount of vinegar. The baking soda and vinegar mixture will create a foaming reaction that can help dislodge the blockage. Let it sit for about 15 minutes before flushing the drain with hot water.
  • Store-bought drain cleaner: A commercially available chemical drain cleaner can be effective in clearing minor blockages. Some people don’t like using a store-bought liquid drain cleaner because of the chemicals involved, so homemade remedies might be preferable for drain clogs. However, chemical drain cleaners can get the job done.
  • Manual removal: For visible blockages, such as hair or debris near the surface, you can try manually removing them. Use a pair of gloves and a long wire or a plumbing snake to reach into the drain and pull out the obstruction. Remember to be gentle to avoid causing any damage to the pipes.

Fixing minor blockages doesn’t always require professional assistance. By following these simple steps, you can attempt to clear a clogged drain on your own.

However, if the blockage persists or if you’re dealing with a more severe issue, it’s best to seek the help of a qualified plumber to avoid further complications.

Serious Drain Cleaning Tools

When it comes to tackling serious blockages in your drains, sometimes basic DIY methods just won’t cut it. In these cases, it may be necessary to bring out the big guns in the form of serious drain cleaning tools.

These specialised tools are designed to tackle stubborn blockages and restore the flow of water efficiently. Let’s take a look at some of the essential tools used by professionals for serious drain cleaning.

  • Drain snake: A drain snake, also known as a plumbing auger, is a flexible metal cable with a coil or brush attachment at the end. The drain snake is fed into the drain until it reaches the blockage. By rotating the snake, the coil or brush dislodges and breaks up the obstruction, allowing it to be pulled out. Drain snakes come in various sizes and lengths to suit different types of drains.
  • Hydro jetting: Hydro jetting is a powerful method that uses high-pressure water to clear stubborn blockages and remove built-up debris from the pipes. A specialised nozzle attached to a pressurised water tank is inserted into the drain. The water is then released at high pressure, effectively blasting away the blockage and cleaning the pipe walls. Hydro jet drain cleaning is particularly effective for grease, mineral deposits, and tree root intrusion.
  • CCTV drain camera: In cases where the cause of the blockage is not immediately evident, professionals use a CCTV drain camera to locate and identify the problem. A flexible camera attached to a long cable is inserted into the drain, allowing a real-time view of the pipe’s interior. This helps identify the exact location and nature of the blockage, enabling targeted cleaning and repair.

For serious drain blockages, it’s best to rely on professional-grade tools such as drain snakes, hydro jetting, and video inspection equipment. These tools are designed to handle tough obstructions and ensure thorough cleaning of the pipes.

If you’re facing persistent or severe blockages, it’s advisable to seek the assistance of a professional plumber who has the expertise and equipment to tackle the job effectively.

The Benefits of Pipe Relining

When faced with a clogged drain caused by damaged or deteriorated pipes, traditional repair methods often involved digging up and replacing the entire pipe.

However, a more innovative and cost-effective solution known as pipe relining has gained popularity. Pipe relining involves inserting a new lining into the existing pipe, creating a seamless and durable barrier.

Let’s explore the benefits of pipe relining and why it is less expensive than the more invasive process of drain excavation.

  • Cost-effective: Pipe relining eliminates the need for extensive excavation and pipe replacement, resulting in significant cost savings. It minimises labour and material expenses associated with digging up and reinstalling new pipes. Moreover, it reduces the need for property restoration, saving you additional costs.
  • Time-efficient: Traditional pipe replacement methods can be time-consuming, causing disruptions to your daily routine. Pipe relining, on the other hand, is a much quicker process. The new lining can be installed within a relatively short period, minimising the downtime and inconvenience caused by extensive excavation.
  • Durability and longevity: The new lining used in pipe relining is typically made of epoxy resin or a similar durable material. This lining creates a strong and seamless pipe within the existing damaged pipe. The result is a long-lasting solution that is resistant to cracks, leaks, and tree root intrusion, ensuring the longevity and reliability of your plumbing system.
  • Minimal disruption: Unlike traditional methods that require digging up large areas of your property, pipe relining only requires access points at either end of the pipe. This means minimal disruption to your landscaping, driveways, or structures, allowing you to preserve the aesthetics of your property.

Pipe relining offers numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness, time-efficiency, durability, and minimal disruption. If you’re facing a clogged drain caused by damaged pipes, consider consulting a professional plumbing service that specialises in pipe relining.

They can assess the condition of your pipes and determine whether pipe relining is a suitable solution for restoring the functionality and integrity of your plumbing system.

Drainage Excavation: Major Repairs

While many blocked drains can be cleared using less invasive methods, there are instances where drain excavation becomes necessary.

Drain excavation involves digging up the affected area to access and repair the underlying cause of the blockage. This is, due to the invasive nature of the process, the most expensive option to take.

Let’s explore the circumstances when drain excavation is necessary.

  • Severe pipe damage: If the pipes are severely damaged, such as collapsed or extensively corroded sections, excavation may be the only solution. Excavation allows the damaged pipes to be replaced entirely, ensuring a long-lasting and reliable plumbing system.
  • Complex blockages: In some cases, blockages may be caused by complex factors that cannot be resolved using standard drain cleaning methods. Excavation allows plumbers to visually inspect the pipe system, identify the root cause of the blockage, and effectively address it.
  • Tree root intrusion: When tree roots infiltrate and damage underground pipes, excavation becomes necessary to remove the roots and repair the affected areas. Excavation provides direct access to the pipes, allowing for the removal and prevention of further root intrusion.
  • System upgrades: If you’re planning to upgrade your plumbing system, such as increasing pipe capacity or replacing outdated materials, drain excavation is often required. It allows for the installation of new pipes, fittings, and other system components efficiently and accurately.

While drain excavation is a more invasive and potentially costly method, it becomes necessary in situations involving severe pipe damage, complex blockages, tree root intrusion, or system upgrades.

Consulting a professional plumber is essential to assess the extent of the issue and determine if drain excavation is the most appropriate solution for restoring the functionality and integrity of your drain system.

Call Plumber Near Me for Blocked Drains

Plumber Near Me operates across Australia with licensed plumbers in AdelaideMelbournePerthSydney and Brisbane. Whether you have a blocked toilet, bathroom basin, or stormwater blockage, we can always clear a blocked drain with 24/7 plumbing services.

If your drain requires minor or major work, you can take up the offer of flexible finance options** payment terms to help balance the cost. You can enjoy clean and clear drains without breaking the bank in an emergency.

Remember, the price is not everything. The focus should always be on long-term success. No one should ever put up with drains that repeatedly block year after year. That’s what Plumber Near Me will always recommend a thorough investigation by our plumbers.

You’ll know the best fix and can enjoy long-lasting success. Our customers can always trust Plumber Near Me to deliver a professional drain cleaning service at a fair price. We always arrive with the necessary equipment and you can always expect a quality repair at all hours of the day.

Please note: This information is provided for advice purposes only. Regulations differ from state to state, so please consult your local authorities or an industry professional before proceeding with any work. See our Terms & Conditions here.